Augusto Goncalves, Senior Developer Consultant at ADN, has created a nice little tool that should come very helpful for developers and customers of Civil 3D. The tool currently works with AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012, and uses the API to grab information about the objects in a drawing. Here is the information about the tool, as well as the links to download the binaries and the source code.
Snoop Civil3D 2012 Database is now Live in Civil 3D Developer Center Page
This tool allows developers inspect the Civil3D Database without writing code. Everything that is shown is accessible through the API, but this tool does not show everything is accessible on the API. It works by showing the root objects of Civil3D 2012 (i.e. Styles, Alignments, Corridors, Assemblies, Subassemblies, Pipe networks and Surfaces) listing them on the left with all objects on each collections, such as all alignments on the active drawing, and once click on each item, list all its properties on right. To use this tool, start AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012, type NETLOAD at the command line and load the 'SnoopCivil3DObjects.dll'. Run snoopCivil3DDB command. Once the DLL is loaded, you can invoke the command from right mouse click 'Snoop Civil3D'.
SnoopCivil3DTool | SnoopCivil3DVSProj
Give it a shot and let us know how you like it.
Is anyone else having trouble loading this ?
Posted by: Troy Moore | 11/02/2011 at 10:29 AM
Troy: the dll is working for me. What is causing trouble for you, loading the dll or opening the VSProj file?
Posted by: Drew | 11/04/2011 at 11:19 AM
Troy - I would assume that you are likely having an issue with the security of the DLL after downloading it from the internet.
Check out as the solution.
Posted by: MattAnderson | 11/10/2011 at 09:18 AM